The Technology side of the Library and 信息服务 Department consists of professionals who provide all the computing, network, printing, 媒体服务, 课堂教学技术, 以及为在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站社区提供数据库支持.


  • 连接互联网.
  • 故障排除打印到或从设备.
  • 病毒和恶意软件问题.
  • 协助您使用在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站拥有的计算设备.

对于硬件相关的问题,我们可以推荐当地的维修供应商, 但我们不诊断硬件问题或进行硬件维修. 联系海德堡图书馆问讯处,地址是 or 262-551-5950.

For Faculty & Staff

供学院使用的软件 & Staff

全职在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站教职员工将根据要求发放一个计算设备, 由图书馆及资讯处支付. Each employee (or each employee’s supervisor) will complete the request form below to initiate the purchase. LIS will communicate to the individual (and supervisor) via email through Request Tracker regarding the purchase.

当电脑到达并准备好让员工拿起时, 员工必须设定一个领取设备的时间, 并签署一份表格,表明他们已经拿起了设备,并了解安全期望.

当员工离开在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站时,所有设备必须归还给图书馆和信息服务部. Please email 如果你有其他问题.

Library and 信息服务 provides full-time Carthage faculty and staff one computer to complete College work. 超出要求的设备由员工所在部门支付. 请填写以下表格,为新员工或在职员工申请电脑设备.


Occasionally, 在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站社区的成员需要为一个组创建一个备用电子邮件帐户, event, 遴选委员会, department, etc. 很多时候,Google群组比电子邮件帐户更有效.


请使用此表格申请访问在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站系统,仅限当前在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站员工使用. 下列申请可透过此表格提出:

  • Cognos
  • CX/JX
  • 企业信息系统
  • Onbase
  • 共享网络文件/驱动器
  • VPN

只申请履行职位职责所需的访问权限. 请允许一个星期的要求履行.

请求网络 & 应用程序访问

项目导入表单用于请求新的或增强的软件、报告或网页. 当前或过去项目的例子包括:研究流行的学生宿舍管理软件, 加强和更新网上学生登记, 实施新的学习管理系统, 并协助财政援助部门起草一份报告,以符合州的要求. 如果你不确定你的请求是否符合你可以联系的项目 IT人员会指导你.



For Students


在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站建议每个学生都有自己的笔记本电脑. 这将允许您访问您的课程资源, 在网上做研究, 上课记笔记, write papers, 创作和演讲, 与同学进行电子交流, 家人和朋友, and much more. 选择Mac电脑还是Windows电脑取决于你自己. You may want to contact some of the faculty in the department in which you intend to major to find out if there will be a preference in your courses.

在科技方面,大学校园与家庭环境是不同的. 越来越多的人在近距离使用越来越多的设备. 为了让技术为尽可能多的人、尽可能多的设备服务, Carthage has established some rules and guidelines that help everyone have a better experience using the network.


  • Wireless routers and personal smartphone Hotspots are expressly prohibited and violate the Carthage Community Code as they can significantly impact the reliability of Carthage’s Wireless Network.
  • 集线器和交换机也不能在宿舍使用,也不应该带到校园. 这些设备一经识别将被移除.
  • 带wifi功能的打印机会干扰我们的校园网, so do not bring a wireless printer unless the wifi signal can be disabled and you can connect to it with a cord. 他们不能用WIFI.


  • 有有线或无线连接的笔记本电脑和台式电脑.
  • 平板电脑和iPad、Nexus、Kindle Fire、Surface、Chromebook等混合产品.
  • Smartphones.
  • 游戏控制台或设备.
  • 电视相关设备,如Roku、Chromecast、Fire TV、Apple TV等.

chrome笔记本,ipad, & 表面平板电脑

Library and 信息服务 strongly recommend that students come to campus with a laptop that runs either a Mac or Windows operating system. Chromebooks, 表面平板电脑, or iPads that run Android or iOS are typically unable to install programs or software required by the professor’s choice of textbook or other course-related software. 如果您想使用上述机器之一, Surface PRO或Surface BOOK将运行功能齐全的操作系统, 因此,允许软件下载我们经常在校园看到的程序. 


Personal electronic devices that broadcast wireless signals cause major interference to Carthage’s wireless network. When the broadcast wifi setting is enabled on these devices it clutters the airspace causing performance and connection issues for those devices trying to communicate with Carthage’s wireless access points. 这些设备包括无线打印机, 游戏系统, media players, 细胞的热点地区, 流媒体设备, smart outlets, 以及其他各种物联网设备.


确定您是否有以下列出的任何个人设备. 执行必要的步骤, 如下所示, 禁用无线广播, 称为“Ad-hoc无线”.”



  • 无线打印机
  • 无线接入点/路由器(Netgear, Asus, Cisco, Linksys等.)
  • 手机热点
  • 无线交换机和集线器
  • 智能家居设备
  • 苹果时光胶囊
  • 游戏系统(e).g. PS4)
  • 流媒体设备(e).g. Roku Chromecast)



关闭打印机的无线广播. Often personal wireless printers offer an “Ad-hoc” wireless service that interferes with Carthage’s wireless system and can prevent you or others from connecting to the Carthage-Open and Carthage-Secure networks. If you do not see your model in the list below Google “disable wifi on my wireless [enter printer-type] printer.”


  1. Use the menu to navigate to Setup > Network > Wireless Radio (on some models this is towards the bottom of the scrollable menu).
  2. 把无线收音机调到“OFF”.”

HP Photosmart d110

  1. Some models may allow you to press the blue “wireless” button on the bottom front of the printer to turn the light out and service off. (你可能需要按住按钮5秒钟才能把灯关掉.)
  2. 如果以上不成功, use the menu to navigate to Settings > Wireless > Wireless Settings > Disable Wireless > OK.


  1. Press and hold the “wireless” image button on the left-hand button panel for five seconds to turn the light out and service off.

惠普Photosmart c4780

  1. 从前面板选择“扫描”.向上或向下滚动以查找网络.
  2. 选择网络,然后关闭无线.
  3. 如果无线指示灯亮:
    1. 关闭打印机.
    2. 打开打印机电源时,同时按住“无线”和“取消”按钮.
    3. 等待所有的灯一起闪烁,然后松开按钮.

Epson Models

  1. 按Setup按钮.
  2. 选择“Wi-Fi/网络设置”.
  3. 选择Wi-Fi设置.
  4. 选择Wi-Fi设置向导.
  5. 选择“禁用Wi-Fi”.


  1. 长按恢复/取消键,当电源指示灯闪烁12次后松开.
  2. 请注意,当您启用无线局域网, 长按“恢复/取消”按钮, 电源指示灯闪烁十次后松开按钮.


Turn off any personal routers and the experience for Carthage’s wireless will improve for everyone around you. 宿舍内禁止使用个人无线接入点或路由器. 这些设备会造成干扰,并阻止其他人干净地访问在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站wifi.


保存你的数据计划并关闭你的个人手机热点. 这些设备会造成干扰并阻止其他用户获取, 保持联系, 连接到在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站无线网.


Please turn off wireless on these devices and connect them to the wired network to back up your devices (you will need to register the Ethernet MAC address as you would on wireless). 苹果时光胶囊 consume a great deal of wireless bandwidth and make other use of Carthage’s wifi unstable.


The PS4/PS5 sets itself up as an “Ad-hoc” wireless access point with its own network if you have Remote Play turned on and the option to connect directly to a PS Vita or motion controllers. If both the PS4 and Vita are on the same wifi network you can turn off the direct-connect option and the “Ad-hoc” wireless broadcast disappears. 这将极大地帮助你周围的人试图使用在线火博体育在线可靠的火博体育网站wifi.


Chromecast: Chromecast仅在初始设置时播放其无线网络. Should the Chromecast fail to connect to the Carthage-Open network it will automatically go back into its setup state and you will see the “Ad-hoc” wireless network become available. 闪烁的白光表示Chromecast没有连接到无线网络. 一个纯白色的光意味着设备连接到无线网络,并准备好接受“投射”.” A blinking Chromecast should either be set up or disconnected from your TV or display device as it is broadcasting itself as an available wireless access point and interfering with Carthage wifi.

Roku: Some models of Roku 流媒体设备 are known to set up an “Ad-hoc” wireless network to allow their remote control to communicate with the device. This wireless remote network causes interference with other wireless networks that may be running on the same channel and can degrade performance on Carthage wifi.


虽然我们不推荐学生购买特定的品牌或型号, 如果你打算购买一台电脑, it is a good idea to check with the academic program you are intending to study to see if they have special computing requirements. While the Library and 信息服务 Department does not recommend specific brands or models for students to purchase, 我们建议你买一台配备英特尔酷睿i5处理器的笔记本电脑, 至少8GB的内存, 256GB SSD(固态硬盘). 固态硬盘要快得多,可以处理许多应用程序. There is no reason to have a hard drive of 1 or 2 TB unless you are going to store tons of songs or photos on the machine; 256GB should be more than enough for school.

很多新的笔记本电脑都没有磁盘驱动器,它也不再那么必要了. Keep in mind that the library has external disc drives to borrow if you want to watch a movie or download software from a disc. 图书馆还提供鼠标、键盘和VGA适配器,用于将计算机投影到屏幕上.



Library and 信息服务 offers free Microsoft Office 365 software to students on a yearly basis, 和免费的SPSS软件(一些统计学课程需要的统计软件包). At Carthage, 我们在很大程度上依赖于Google Drive, 共享文档, 一个人的很多工作都可以在云端完成和存储. 其他硬件和软件可能对你的课程有用. 我们免费提供一些软件, 有时候,教育软件和硬件也有折扣.
